Thursday, August 30, 2007

  • 12 seasons completed,
  • 9 in top flight,
  • 4 major trophies,
  • 2 weeks to new season,
  • 1 goal in mind.

No teams above us.


Anonymous said...

The lads of Dún Laoghaire Town Football Club wish all the players and management of DGT the very best for the forthcoming season with NightHawks. We look forward to a friendly match in the not too distant future - on grass, of course!!! Checkout

Anonymous said...

'Free the Gary Glitter one'

DGT FC said...

One and the same Doyle, one and the same!

Anonymous said...

I dont know if this guy is brilliant or if his smile freaks me out.

Anonymous said...

DGT are changing their kit AGAIN? This is an outrage. For the privilege of wearing their favorite DGT players shirt, die hard fans are being hit in the pocket once again just to swell the already bulging coffers of this longtime premier league outfit. In protest, this season I'm turning the clock back to a more innocent time in DGT history and will wear the 1996 Laher or maybe the 1999 Baker. These guys weren't all about flash cars, phat 'cribs', endorsements, bonuses or even where their wives or girlfriends went shopping. No. It was all about the football. The Friday Night Lights. For players and supporters alike it was the end of the working week, and we wore the jersey with pride. Now it seems the revered DGT kit is seen as just another income stream as the money men take hold of a club once proud of its blue collar origins.

DGT FC said...


Club in Crisis as Chairman Causes Consternation over Change of Kit.

After jetting into Philadelphia, Chairman Maorrigan had some stinging words for the awaiting paparazzi at the airport regarding the commercial direction of his beloved football club. Never one to avoid confrontation, Maorrigan expressed outrage at the ‘Big Time Keith’ attitude of some of the players, stating that they are more interested in how they look, and that “if they are choosing to spend more time shopping with their WAGS on Friday nights than playing ball, well then we know who’s the one shopping for the trousers.” Maorrigan longed for the old days when money was not the focus and players were lucky not to rip too much stitching in the gear on a Friday night, only to darn it themselves on a Saturday.

Maorrigan’s outspoken comments are sure to ricochet dangerously around the marbled halls of the DGT executive suite where the board is working hard on the new season. The question remains – can the club keep it ‘grass roots real’ as Pablo demands, or will the Tings become the Blings before not too long?

Meanwhile, Chairman Maorrigan is featured in the latest copy of Hello? Magazine, as he settles into his expansive new condo boasting panoramic vistas of Philadelphia. The article details his journey from his Learjet touchdown at Philly airport and subsequent limo ride to his poolside party which bulges with A-list celebs, pop stars and movers ‘n shakers. As it takes a lot of ‘green’ to be in with the ‘in-crowd’, one wonders where the chairman of our environmentally challenged club is getting the cash…